Saturday 27 April 2024

TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS TO SUPPORT Collaborative - Intelligent Transportation Management System

Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) – My Personal Perspective

CONTENTION RATIO (CR) also applicable in performing effective TIA to allow FF and exert more patience and clear understanding for the road users if somehow have to face some congestions here and there. TIA shall not be solely done by surveyors but having full support from other relevant professionals with solid foundation in traffic engineering and state-of-the-art data collection, data analysis, logical, analytical, and psychological expressions of drivers cum toll-payers. Submerge their emotions, emulate and simulate before giving stupid recommendation, if any.

Wrong if data collection done only during normal working days and picking peak hours to ascertain the passenger-car-unit per hour (PCU/hr) for recommendation to BPJ, KKRM; people travel at their convenience regardless of weekends or festive seasons. It is just a mind-boggling situation in the fine country of ours have billion dollars outsets that worth no more than a single sen when get implemented.

In any transportation network to be implemented successfully at today standard and technology availability four (4) items have to be evaluated beforehand; Construction (C), Tunneling (T), Rolling Stocks (R) and Supporting System (S). CTRS shall be the acronym; but quantity and creativity belongs to hybrid man-machine cooperation and interactive information analysis on in simple term I purposely coin as hybrid-generative AI. I have started hearing AI word as mere jargon since 1986 and solid 2-years next together with Expert System (A), Automata Theory (B) , Cybernetics (robotics-B+), Software Engineering (A-) in Modula-2, Ada and Motorola MC68009 microprocessor, Pattern Recognition & Image Processing (B+), Computer Architecture & Associative Processing (B), Computer Aided Design (B), Digital Control System (A), Digital Signal Processing (A) and Digital Communication Systems (A). Please note that the letters in parenthesis () are the grades I had at the finals and written in the transcript.

Please we are in a quick pace into smart and sustainable livelihood whereby no one voluntarily banging or purported collisions of each others’ vehicle. Driving at individual safe pace without collision. Cmon we are also moving into near 3% annual population growth and the same rate can be projected for rate of increase of new drivers. I sensed that ALL tools are already available only waiting for smart people to utilize it use it for us to feel the mutual benefits in ALL areas; urban, suburbs and rural.

Tell u what Alex, Sarawak has shown the way by creation of medium-size roundabouts which many folds more time and highly efficient free-flow traffic in comparison with the so-called smart traffic lights be except not pedestrian-friendly and need bigger space for penyuraian trafik. Also consideration on terrain, demographic, morphostructure, geomatical input etc etc. Thanks.

BTW, I've given Baru Bian's MALAYSIAN ITS (Intelligent Transportation Management System) Blueprint 2019-2023 ISBN: 978-967-5399-23-7, an "F" grade because do not really touch the ground for simple implementation in modularity to cover seamless inter-connectivity by 2034 more of cut and paste, can't differentiate between technology and brand-name. So sorry for PTDs and management-only Engineer develop something like such and 6 ministries sit at the council, 6 in supporting role and mentioned 20 agencies sign-off as a product to guide. Need to say no more.

Got to sign-off to be in an Open House. Thanks for reading.


Monday 29 January 2024

Am Back After Desolation

 Am back

After a little while in silence i had begun to think that somehow i need to write as writing is my second hobby after reading. Leaders are Readers then are the writers? Writers aint hypocrite neither they are trite just trite but mostly they are bunch of  "bright". Whatever goodness you have in mind better make use or you will permanently lose it.

That a starter after a while in abstinence, losing interest in hobbies, in solitude, solitary confinement, isolation, focusing only to certain adjectives related to living in today's life and what will happen to me in the hereafter. That's it.

Signoff first for breakfast.

Friday 29 March 2013

KONSEP NEGARA TAMAN - Kampong Dalam Taman & Taman Dalam Kampong

Konsep negara taman telah diwar2kan oleh Jabatan Lanskap Negara, manakala konsep Malaysia Green and Clean telah dimajukan oleh Kementerian Pelancongan.

Dua kementerian berbeza kerana JLN adalah agensi di bawah KPKT. Mungkin satu jawatankuasa pemandu atau "steering committee" telahpun ditubuhkan bagi memastikan segala objektif dapat dicapai. Rasanya bukan setakat itu saja; agensi2 di bawah MoA, Sumber Asli, MOSTI dan pihak PBT juga dapat memainkan peranan yang lebih berkesan.

Negara Taman bukan hanya setakat KLCC, Putrajaya dan lain2 bandar besar. Bila bercakap mengenai negara maju menjelang 2020 ia harus meliputi seluruh inci tanahair termasuk lubuk2 kampung terpencil. Ianya juga bukan hanya berkata2 mengenai infrastruktur; kerana infrastruktur sahaja tidak membawa apa2 makna jika tiada pemerkasaan nilai2 murni dan pembudayaan semula tentang keindahan di mana2 sepertimana yang wujud di negara2 yang telah maju.

Tugas2 tersebut tidak seharusnya dibebankan kepada pemerintah sahaja tetapi partipasi setiap individu; bottom-up untuk membetulkan keadaan, merasa malu jika sekira kawasan kediaman tidak indah, malu dengan sikap bermalas-malasan dan berdolak-dalik serta menuding jari. Ciri2 masa lalu seperti budaya gotong-royong harus dihidupkan semula manakala idea transformasi boleh di-outsourcekan kepada pakar lanskap. Laluan air mesti juga bersih, setiap longkang dan parit harus dibersihkan secara berkala; sampah-sarap yang menyekat laluan harus diubah ke kawasan yang bersesuaian.

Siapa yang boleh membantu menjadi agen dan katalis bagi memastikan ramai yang tahu apa yang berlaku di mana2 seluruh negara. Ermmm....my1@groTV dan my1@groFM.

Cukup takat di sini dulu...need to sign-off
rashidali 29032013@2149hours

Friday 22 March 2013


Aku bermula dengan kalimah cinta buat bangsaku, agamaku dan negara ku!

2. Bangsaku adalah Melayu dan setakat yang ku tahu, ia tergabung dari etnik bugis, acheh, kedah, banjar, minang dan berkemungkinan mandailing dan rawa.

3. Bangsa atau ras yang membuat aku timbul di sini. Hakikat sebuah keturunan adalah bangsa meskipun pada dasarnya Adam dan Hawa yang menjadi pencetus bangsa melalui titisan nutfah dan lendir2 yang menuruti.

4. Agama ku, Islam datang kedua untuk menghiasi organ2 bangsa yang terwujud; hati, minda, iqtiqad, aqidah, kepasrahan, takdir, ketentuan, hidup dan mati, redha dengan ketentuan Ilahi dan semoga Allah juga meredhai hidup dan matiku -- duniawi dan ukhrawi.

5. Cintaku buat Allah yang maha Pencipta dengan ar Rahman, Ar Rahim, Ar Rasyid, As Sabuur serta bangsaku, agamaku dan negaraku.

Sign-off dengan hakikat kalimah CINTA
rashidali - revisited 22032013@1855hours
Today's Experience

I am pretty sure being a farmer is an exciting experience. Being me I hope I would not be trapped in the three T's syndrome as per famous phrases cited by the minister of MoA, DS Noh Omar; Tanam, Tunggu, Tuai or Tanam, Tinggal, Tuai.

This morning somewhat my mind worked at a faster phase; analyzing the problem at hand and quickly identify the appropriate solution. So, Monday I can be back at the office in BBP.

rashidali 22032013@1011hours

Thursday 21 March 2013

My Note Tonite

Today I spent most of my time in the paddy field; do some repair works to the batas as well as adding more seeds to the bendang for more probability of getting better outcomes in 120 days to come. It is fun and interesting to be out in the field breathing fresh airs after nearly thirty years working as a white collar coolie to someone always higher than me. No complain either as that was the chosen career upon graduation from the University of Memphis (formerly Memphis State) in 1985. Though my line was electrical engineering, fate decided that I were to serve Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (now Universiti Putra Malaysia). What a coincidence; born and brought up surrounded by paddy field, served UPM, made some friends throughout the campus. Former VCs Prof Dr Zohadie Bardaie and recently stepped-down Prof Radin Umar Radin Suhadi of Chemor and current TNC-Innovasi, Prof Salleh Jaafar. There are also friends made in Vet Faculty, Sains Samudera, Science Faculty, to name a few.

Well I really felt very blessed for the opportunity to gain knowledge plus experiences and made good friends in banking (BSN), Telecommunications (TM, Celcom, TM Touch), petrochemical (PETRONAS), multinational (Sime Darby Berhad) and be on my own and/or with partners as qualified ICT consultant for more than 10 years. No pain no gain. 

But now I have a target to fulfil; MoA considers 10mT per hectare as national vision. I definitely will try to achieve that whichever way possible. But China has proven, thru hybrid-rice, farmers can achieve up to 13.9mT per hectare. I am learning, but my way of learning is no longer traditional; i am about to embark a gradual revolutionary method, non-drastic revolution that may empty my pocket.

I will be in the field again by 7.00am and hope to be home by 10.00 then restart at 4.00 and conclude by 7.00pm. Still got time feed by fish and showers my garden. Live is so sweet.

Got to conclude now!
rashidali 21032013-2222hours
UMNO Tidak Boleh Goyah, BN Tidak Boleh Rebah

"Arab Spring" tiada persamaan langsung dengan susun-atur pentadbiran Malaysia. Begitu juga "gangguan Lahad Datu" tiada persamaan dengan gangguan di tempat lain. Arab Spring adalah akibat "individual overstay"; Muammar Ghadafi - Libya (40+ tahun), Hosni Mubarak - Mesir/Egypt (30+ tahun), Ali Abdullah Saleh - Yemen (30+ tahun), Zine al Abedine ben Ali - Tunisia (20+ tahun) manakala Syria diusik atas dasar Dinasti dari Hafez Al Assad yang mengakui keturunan Rasulullah. Akibat keterlanjuran kuasa maka wujudlah ciri2 autokratik yang merosakkan dan terubahlah demo-krasi menjadi demo-crazy. Malaysia tidak begitu kerana dalam tempoh 56 tahun kemerdekaan, kita sudah ada 6 orang PM pada kadar purata kurang dari 10 tahun seorang. Tun Dr M walaubagaimanapun ada "exceptional" kerana beliau adalah seorang yang "extra-ordinary" iaitu seorang yang "ordinary" tetapi sanggup bersusah-payah mendisplinkan diri beliau untuk walk extra-mile, think extra hard, give extra love, pragmatik dan highly pro-active.

Cuma kat Malaysia ni kira-kira pelik adalah kewujudan menteri besar yang mengaku diri ulama' tapi dah terlalu ganyut dan uzur serta nyanyuk -- tetap nak stay within power corridor. Fact: lahir 10-01-31, umur semasa - 82, overstay in power - 23+ tahun. If he is 32, 42, or 52 is fine but 82 simply not fine because he is not Dr M; he is only an Indian graduates in Arabic Studies ... i guess his intellectual basics and credentials perhaps only 10% of what Dr M has...considering the similar era they were in. Don't ask me why? I do not know what and how things were assessed in the 1940's, 1950's, or 1960's. But what i do know in the 70's, 80's and 90's, brilliant and smart ones are streamed into learning science subjects that allows them to become doctors, engineers, architects, accountants etc and the lesser ones went into arts stream that allows them to become government officers, teachers, typical politician, you name it. Science students have the options to move into traditionally arts careers but not otherwise. So you may want to judge the intellectual-ability on each and every one. I've personally tried; when I had to study electrical engineering in one of the universities in the USA, to get a "Magna Cum Laude" it wasn't an easy affair throughout the four-years but to get a 3.70 in a lesser calculative-analytic environment it was just a breeze and in-fact beating full-timers and book-worms. In addition when I took a diploma in Islamic Studies, I had only 1B and the rest are As beating a few mudirs and number of x-Al Azhar dropouts (3rd and 4th years). That B was really a catch as it was the 1st paper I took after many years and of course I wasn't able to properly allocate sufficient time for each of the question; i end up spent more time for less intricate questions. Guess what -- a top student in three different subject matters in institutions in different countries. Not trying to angkat bakul but as an engineer or scientist, proof is needed in order to disarray the hypothesis. Afterall 1st hand info is the most reliable information. Turning data to information then turning information into knowledge and finally turning knowledge into wisdom and convert tacit into explicit knowledge.

Lets look back at the proposed title...what the heck UMNO and BN got to do with the content. Yes, it does relate. My analysis is things will never be the same again if new regime takes over. It would not be a good aftermath particularly for the Muslims and the Malays just like Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen and Syria. By the way if you are a Muslim reader and have been to Makkatul Mukarramah whether performed Hajj or Umrah please note down. Kaabah ada 4 penjuru; penjuru Iraqi, penjuru Syammi, penjuru Yamani dan penjuru Hajarul Aswad. Penjuru bermaksud arah dari titik tengah dalam binaan Kaabah melalui penjuru ke arah sebuah tempat. Dua dah tumbang (Iraq dan Yaman), satu masih bergolak (Syam - Syria). Yang tinggal cuma satu iaitu Penjuru Hajarul Aswad yang tepat mengarahkan ke Nusantara/Malaysia.

Sekarang ini PRU13 is just around the corner and it reminds me of 1999 and 2008 PRU12 where aggressions were rampant and UMNO and penyokong menjadi mangsa atau victims terutama semasa penamaan calon dan hari mengundi; pada ketika pengiraan undi pun macam susah nak bernafas meskipun pada ketika itu aku cuma bertugas sebagai pemungut khemah BN di setiap peti undi di parlimen P054. Aku dan teman hampir dipukul oleh penyokong parti lawan yang bertindak seolah2 negara ni depa saja yang empunya. Bila melihat situasi di KK baru2 ini di mana pemuda BN dipukul dan 5 buah motor dirosakkan, aku jangka pada PRU13 keadaan akan lebih sengit lagi. Namun aku sudah 5 tahun lebih tua dan kudrat tidak sama lagi seperti masa2 lalu. Tetapi sayangku kepada agama, bangsa, dan negaraku tetap jitu.

Katakan semua ini benar2 akan berlaku, apakah BN/UMNO/Komponen sudah punyai masterplan untuk tone-down the aggressions dari puak PR. apakah pemuda dan puteri sudah ready untuk bertindakbalas serta gerak dalam bentuk pro-aktif dan offensif. a battle is a battle, a war is a war but the war is a collective nouns of battles in 222 parliamentary constituencies and 528 state seats. saya menyeru supaya "at-all-effort", BN/UMNO/Komponen sudah patut berada di gear 3 pada ketika ini dan henjut ke gear 6 (pakai step-tronics or tip-tronics) sebaik pembubaran Parlimen/DUN, pra penamaan calon, hari penamaan calon, tempoh berkempen, hari mengundi, masa pengiraan undi di peti undi (ini penting-walaupun peti undi 50/50), masa penjumlahan undi, masa istihar menang-kalah sampai esoknya tak kira menang atau kalah. perang sampai muktamad, kalu cabut pokok cabut sekali dengan akar2nya...jangan tinggal walaupun seutas akar. boleh guna qisas; darah dibayar darah, nyawa dibayar nyawa, tumbuk dibalas tumbuk, penampar lawan penampar, penerajang lawan flying-kick. isk3 kalau i am only 30 i would want to volunteer to be the leader of the leaders. setakat kopiah putih baju mata satu aku sekeh biar terpelanting sebatu!!!

Ooops...buat umno khususnya jangan lupa peranan perkasa, pekida, jati dan lain2 organisasi sahabat. bagi makan cukup2 sampai puas, jika tidak jadi cam pru12 bilamana pembangkang ambil kesempatan awal sedangkan umno/bn menongkah arus lari sambil berundur...

Kalau rajin fikirlah wahai umat sebangsa dan seagamaku.

Got to sign off for my lunch.
rashidali 21032013@13:46pm

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Anti-PAS Part 2

So what are my decrees then?

2. My decree numero uno is - PAS adalah parti politik jenama haprak! But why? You have to be an apolitical person yang punya pengalaman menerima orang luar jadi candidate then menang and dapat 1 penggal.

3. Welcome to Parit Buntar. Maybe welcome too to wherever Mat Sabu had set foot as parliamentarian be it in Kedah, Trengganu or Kelantan. Mat Sabu ni orang Sungai Duri, Pulau Pinang. Lain2 pun sama.

4. You would NEVER taste real love by an OUTSIDER or two OUTSIDERS as for the case in Parit Buntar.

5. Are you being served? Definitely 1000% NOT. Don't talk about taste, feel could adequately justifiably OVERstatement!

6. PAS is smart or we are stupid? yes no no yes dunno...believe me PAS will field a new or re-cycled candidate in Parit Buntar in order to sweep the non-performances under the carpet.

7. UMNO/BN also got to be wary! So what my next decree?

8. You want to win right? I also want you to win will all my heart. I don't have formulae but I only have DON'Ts.

9. UMNO Bahagian and BN could be separate and distinct entities.

10. In case of Parit Buntar, we have 2 DUNs in the P.054 parliament, hence we have 3 BN leaders. Let the current setting of Bahagian be as is, change is necessary if and only if necessary. Somehow numero primo - - only cleanest will remain. Only someone capable of giving 1-love for all and no pretenders acceptable.

11. Why BN? I'll cruise you up in the next session.

Rashidali 14082012

Aku Benci PAS namun Aku Cintai Islam Sepenuh Hati dan Jiwaku

Tajuk tulisan aku hari ini macam panas tapi tidak seharusnya begitu.

2. Aku kasihani warga Rohingya kerana aku tidak mahu bangsa Melayu-Islam di Malaysia ini akan mengalami natijah yang serupa dalam tempoh beberapa generasi yang akan datang.

3. Ramai yang tidak pernah menyangka bahawa Filipina dulu2nya adalah sebuah negara Islam dari Luzon ke Mindanao. Segalanya berubah selepas Sepanyol melanggar dan menukar segala2nya, dulu ibukotanya Amanillah kini sudah menjadi Manila. Sepanyol adalah penjajah dan pembunuh etnik serta penukar aqidah yang paling ganas sejak perang salib III tahun2 1400an selari di seluruh dunia terutamanya di Amerika Selatan.

4. Islam juga tewas di Granada ketika itu.

5. Khulafa Utsmaniyyah juga mundur dan keliru dari Turki sehingga Eropah Tengah.

6. Tiada lagi al Warith yang gantinya Alvarez.

7. Tiada lagi Bartuqal yang gantinya Portugal.

8. Yang aku gembira kini Sepanyol dan Portugal sedang meniti hari2 kebangkrapan petanda balasan yang tak mampu ku huraikan. Jangan kau lupa Greece (Greco-Roman) musuh Islam nomor wahid sejak kejadian Adam a.s.

9. Aku mau jadi siapa? Mewarisi sifat2 dan memiliki kejituan cinta kepada Allahu Yahayyu YaQayyum YaRasyiddu YaSabuur.

10. Sultan Salehuddin Al Ayyubi

12. Khulafa ar Rasyidin (Sayyidina Abu Bakar as Siddiq, Sayyidina Umar al Khattab, Sayyidina Utsman ibni Affan, Sayyidina Ali ibni Abi Thalib)

13. Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Mutalib bin...bin Hasyim...bin...bin Ismail bin Ibrahim...bin Adam as

To be continued in Part 2

Rashidali 14082012

Saturday 12 May 2012


Where I am Coming From

My side of lineage is so easy to started from Almarhum Sultan Salahuddin (Raja Lumu), succeeded by Sultan Ibrahim (Raja Ibrahim) and later taken over by Sultan Muhammad. I am coming from the lineage of Raja Sulaiman son of Sultan Muhammad. As recorded by the history, Raja Sulaiman died before his father, the Sultan but left two kids, Raja Mahadi and Raja Rabeah. Raja Mahadi is my great2-grandfather with other name Kamis or KMS or King Mahadi Sulaiman. He had five children (on record), one being my great-grandpa Raja Hussin. My ggpa on the other hand had 6 six children; one being my grandpa, Raja Hashim. My dad Raja Muhammad Ali is the second last in the series. Me, nothing much to talk about because everyone at the coffee table are ladies and i am the only man available. So no envious feeling neither any jealousy from the mind, my dear bro in Selangor please be strong to ensure the kingdom will be respected till the end of the  world. On a social note, I hope Amir will take up a pure Malay girl as his partner such that our blood-line the Bugis of Sulawesi would have stronger mixture.

The Royal House of Selangor are descended from the Yang di-Pertuans of Riau, Indonesia (see that family). They are Bugis, originating from Luwu in the islands of the Celebes. Raja Lumu, second son of Raja Chelak, the 2nd Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Riau, conquered Selangor and established his legitimacy by being installed by the Sultan of Perak in 1766. Frequently at odds with the Dutch and native Malay rulers, his son Ibrahim, was expelled from Selangor in 1786. Ibrahim eventually reached an accommodation with the Dutch and was allowed to return, two years later.  Rich tin deposits had been discovered during the sixteenth century, this lead to increasing numbers of Chinese immigrants to work the mines. Fighting between the Bugis and Chinese immigrants and the indigenous Malays became more frequent. Eventually this led to British intervention, and the imposition of a British Resident in 1874. Selangor joined the fledgling federation, known as the Federated Malay States in 1897. The land for the new federal capital at Kuala Lumpur, being donated by the Sultan of Selangor. Economic development was quite rapid with the introduction of rubber cultivation and port facilities. The Japanese occupied the state in 1941 and deposed the ruling Sultan, in favour of his disinherited elder brother. He was deposed on the return of British troops at War's end, and the rightful Sultan restored. The State joined the Federation of Malaya on 1948. In 1974, the Federal capital area, consisting of Kuala Lumpur and certain surrounding areas, were permanently ceded to the Federal government. 

 - 1778 H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Saleh ud-din Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Chelak, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Selangor. b. ca. 1705, as Raja Lumu, second son of H.H. Paduka Sri Raja Chelak bin Daeng Rilaga, Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Riau, by a junior wife. Established himself as ruler of Selangor in 1743, but signed a treaty with Sultan Sulaiman I Badr ul-'Alam Shah of Johor, in which he acknowledged his sovereignty, 8th January 1758. Invested with various items of Royal insignia and installed as Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Selangor, at Lumut, by Sultan Mahmud Shah of Perak, 1766. m. (first) Y.A.M. Engku Puan, a younger daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah bin Daeng Rilaga, Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Riau. m. (second) at Pulau Besar Indira Mulia, Perak, December 1770, a daughter of Y.T.M. Raja Chulan bin Raja 'Abdu'l-Hamid, Raja Muda of Perak. He d. at Kuala Selangor, 1778 (bur. there at the Royal Cemetery, Bukit Melawati), having had issue, two sons and three daughters:
  • 1) H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Ibrahim Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Saleh ud-din, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Selangor (s/o the Riau princess) - see below.
  • 2) Y.A.M. Raja Nala ibni al-Marhum Sultan Saleh ud-din, Raja Muda (s/o Engku Puan). Appointed as Heir Apparent with the title of Yang di-Pertuan Muda by his elder brother, 1782. m. 177x, Y.A.M. Raja Salama binti Raja Haji [Engku Talluk], eldest daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Raja Haji bin Raja Chelak, Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Riau, by his wife, Y.A.M. Raja Amaran binti al-Marhum Raja Muhammad Mahrum Shah, Engku Encik' Sejuk, daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Raja Muhammad Mahrum Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Said Shah, Raja and Yang di-Pertuan of Asahan. He d. at Aceh, Sumatra, 1795, having had issue, two sons and a daughter:
  • Y.M. Raja Busu Hassan bin Raja Muda Nala [Tengku Bongsu] (s/o Raja Salama), of Lukut. m. (first) Che' Mik, of Riau. m. (second) Che' Sawi. He was k. with his wife and several children (thrown alive into their burning house by rebellious Chinese miners), at at Lukut, September 1834, having had issue, four sons and a daughter
  • i) Y.M. Raja Haji bin Raja Hassan (s/o Che' Sawi). m. (first) Y.A.M. Raja Siti binti al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah, daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of Selangor. m. (second) Putri Ngah binti Megat Ranjuna. m. (third) Che' Isak Perambatang. He had issue, four sons and three daughters:
  • Y.M. Raja Yunus bin Raja Haji (s/o Raja Siti).
  • Y.M. Raja 'Isa bin Raja Haji (s/o Raja Siti). Copyright© Christopher Buyers
  • Y.M. Raja 'Abdu'l Jalil bin Raja Haji (s/o Raja Siti).
  • Y.M. Raja Sulaiman bin Raja Haji (s/o Putri Ngah).
  • Y.M. Raja Sharifa binti Raja Haji (d/o Raja Siti).
  • Y.M. Raja Siti binti Raja Haji (d/o Putri Ngah). m. Y.M. Raja Said bin Raja Hassan, son of Y.A.M. Raja Hassan ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim - see below.
  • Y.M. Raja Maimuna binti Raja Haji (d/o Che' Isak). m. Y.M. Raja Yusuf bin Raja Idris, eldest son of her paternal uncle, Y.M. Raja Idris bin Raja Hassan, by his wife, Che' Tijah. She had issue, one son and one daughter - see below.ii) Y.M. Raja Idris bin Raja Hassan (s/o Che' Mik). m. (first) Che' Halija. m. (second) Che' Tijah. m. (third) Jarah binti Lebai Muhammad Saleh. m. (fourth) Y.M. Raja Teh Kecik. He had issue, four sons and one daughter:
    • Y.M. Raja Yusuf bin Raja Idris (s/o Tijah). m. Y.M. Raja Maimuna binti Raja Haji, daughter of his paternal uncle, Y.M. Raja Haji bin Raja Hassan, by his wife, Che' Isak Perambatang. He had issue, a son and a daughter:
      • (a) Y.M. Raja Adil bin Raja Yusuf (s/o Raja Maimuna).
      • (a) Y.M. Raja Mi Jamila binti Raja Yusuf (d/o Raja Maimuna).
    • Y.M. Raja Muhammad 'Ali bin Raja Idris (s/o Jarah).
    • Y.M. Raja Long Perak bin Raja Idris (s/o Teh Kecik).
    • Y.M. Raja 'Abdu'llah bin Raja Idris (s/o Jarah).
    • Y.M. Raja Habiba binti Raja Idris (s/o Halija).
    • Y.M. Raja Husain bin Raja Hassan. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
    • Y.M. Raja 'Umar bin Raja Hassan (s/o Che' Sawi). m. (first) Y.M. Raja Hamida binti Raja Haji 'Abdu'l Rahim. m. (second) Che' Aisha. m. (third) Che' Mila. He had issue, three sons and two daughters:
      • (1) Y.M. Raja 'Usman [Othman] bin Raja 'Umar (s/o Raja Hamida). m. Y.M. Raja Ulik binti Raja Yusuf. He had issue, a son
        • (a) Y.M. Raja Muhammad bin Raja 'Usman. m. Y.M. Raja Embut Long binti Raja Barkat, daughter of Y.M. Raja Barkat bin Raja Husain, Tengku Panglima Raja. He had issue, two sons and one daughter:
          • (i) Y.M. Raja Ya'akub bin Raja Muhammad.
          • (ii) Y.B.M. Raja Tun Sir Uda bin Muhammad, KBE (1.6.1953), CMG (1.1.1951). b. at Kuala Langat, 1894, educ. Malay Coll., Kuala Kangsar. Jointed Govt. service 1910, and MAS 1914, prom. Ofcr. class V MCS 1924, Sec. to British Resident in Selangor 1939, served with FMSVF during WW2, prom. to Ofcr. class IB MCS 1946, and Ofcr. class IA 1948, Dep. Cmsnr. (Interior) in Selangor 1948, Chief Secretary of Selangor 1948-1949, Chief Minister 1949-1953 and 1954-1955, Cmsnr. in London 1953-1954, Speaker Federal Cncl. 1954-1957, Governor of Penang 1957-1967, rcvd: SMN, DUPN (1967), etc. m. (first) , Raja Maslama binti Raja Busu. m. (second) Y.A.M. Tengku Badariah binti al-Marhum Sultan 'Ala ud-din Sulaiman Shah (b. at Kuala Kangsar, 3rd September b. 1896; d. 11th February 1937), second daughter of Colonel H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Sir 'Ala ud-din Sulaiman Shah ibni al-Marhum Yang di-Pertuan Muda Musa, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Selangor Dar ul-Ihsan, GCMG, KCVO, by his second wife, Che' Hasna, alias Che' Amina binti Pelong. m. (third) 30th July 1939, Y.A.M. Tengku Puan Nur Sa'ada binti al-Marhum Sultan 'Ala ud-din Sulaiman Shah (b. at the Istana Besar, Bandar Temasya, Kuala Kangsar, 7th November 1922), daughter of Colonel Colonel H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Sir 'Ala ud-din Sulaiman Shah ibni al-Marhum Yang di-Pertuan Muda Musa, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Selangor Dar ul-Ihsan, GCMG, KCVO, by his seventh wife, H.H. Raja Fatima binti al-Marhum Sultan Sir Idris Murshid al-Azzam Rahmatu'llah Shah, Tengku Ampuan Paduka Sri Negara, youngest daughter of Colonel H.H. Maulana Paduka Sri Sultan Sir Idris Murshid al-Azzam Shah Rahmatu'llah ibni al-Marhum Raja Bendahara Alang Iskandar, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Perak, GCMG, GCVO. He had issue, two sons and one daughter by his first wife, three sons by his second, and five sons and two daughters by his third wife:
          • 1. Y.M. Raja Jalal ud-din bin Raja Sir Uda. b. 20th March 1919 (s/o Raja Maslama). m. Che' Puan Mariam binti 'Abdu'llah. He had issue, seven sons and four daughters:
            • a. Y.M. Raja 'Abdu'l Malik bin Raja Jalal ud-din. b. 7th July 1945. m. Che' Puan Zaleha binti 'Abdu'l Razak. He has issue, one son and one daughter:
              • i. Y.M. Raja Ahmad Shaharul bin Raja 'Abdu'l Malik. b. 11th March 1973. m. Che' Puan Azura Rozila binti Ahmad. He has issue, one daughter:
                • 1a. Y.M. Raja Erin Sofia binti Raja Ahmad Shaharul.
              • i. Y.M. Raja Iza Sharina binti Raja 'Abdu'l Malik. b. 8th September 1977.
            • b. Y.M. Raja 'Usman bin Raja Jalal ud-din. b. 2nd January 1949. m. Y.M. Raja Kamsiah binti Raja Kasim. He has issue, two sons and one daughter:
              • i. Y.M. Raja Izwan Shah bin Raja 'Usman. b. 8th May 1976. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
              • ii. Y.M. Raja Azrin Shah bin Raja 'Usman. b. 25th June 1981.
              • i. Y.M. Raja Nur Izwan binti Raja 'Usman. b. 6th February 1979.
            • c. Y.M. Raja Ismail bin Raja Jalal ud-din. b. 10th March 1951. m. Che' Puan Susanita binti 'Abdu'llah.
            • d. Y.M. Raja Ahmad bin Raja Jalal ud-din. b. 30th June 1952. m. Che' Puan Sherima binti 'Abdu'llah, née Lee Yuet Mui, a chinese convert to Islam. He has issue, two daughters:
              • i. Y.M. Aimee binti Raja Ahmad. b. 3rd November 1981.
              • ii. Y.M. Elena binti Raja Ahmad. b. 12th October 1985.
            • e. Y.M. Raja Azlan bin Raja Jalal ud-din. b. 25th July 1953. m. Che' Puan Nancy Chong. He has issue, one son and one daughter (twins):
              • i. Y.M. Raja Jefri bin Raja Azlan. b. 16th April 1989.
              • i. Y.M. Raja Natasha binti Raja Azlan. b. 16th April 1989.
            • f. Y.M. Raja Aman bin Raja Jalal ud-din. b. 10th October 1957. m. Che' Puan Maria Khairani binti Muhammad Khalil. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
            • g. Y.M. Raja Yazid bin Raja Jalal ud-din. b. 25th November 1961. Fleet Mngr. Malaysian Airlines. m. Che' Puan Norsidah Kamsiah binti Ja'afar. He has issue, one son and one daughter:
              • i. Y.M. Raja Izzat Quyyum bin Raja Yazid. b. 16th October 1991.
              • i. Y.M. Raja Lylia Yazmin bin Raja Yazid. b. 8th December 1987.
            • a. Y.M. Raja 'Aini binti Raja Jalal ud-din. b. 17th January 1950. m. Encik' Shams ud-din bin Husain. She has issue, four sons.
            • b. Y.M. Raja Latifa binti Raja Jalal ud-din. b. 19th December 1954. m. Encik' Atiya bin 'Abdu'l Salam. She has issue, two daughters.
            • c. Y.M. Raja Zahara binti Raja Jalal ud-din. b. 11th November 1956. m. Encik' Muhammad Taza'ai bin Lope 'Abdu'l Rahman. She has issue, one son and two daughters. 
            • 2. Y.M. Raja Idris bin Raja Sir Uda (s/o Raja Maslama).
            • 3. Y.M. Raja Kamar ud-din bin Raja Sir Uda. b. at Kuala Lumpur, 1st July 1925 (s/o Tengku Badariah), educ. Malay Coll, Kuala Kangsar; Univ. of London (LL.B.), and Lincoln's Inn, London (Barr-at-Law 1954). Joined Lever Bros. 1954, Assist. Coy. Sec. 1955-1956, Coy. Sec. 1956. m. Che' Bariya Kamar ud-din (b. 11th February 1933; d. in England, 5th November 1980, bur. there), née Barbara Mabel Parnell. He d. 4th August 1971 (bur. Royal Cemetery, Klang), having had issue, two sons and one daughter:
              • a. Y.M. Raja Haji Petra bin Raja Kamar ud-din. b. in Surrey, England, 27th September 1950, educ. Malay Coll., Kuala Kangsar. Editor "Malaysia Today" since 2000, Dir. Intl. Free Anwar Campaign 2001-2004, Author of "When Time Stood Still". m. 14th April 1973, Che' Puan Marina binti 'Abdu'llah, née Marina Lee, publisher. He has issue, three sons and two daughters:
                • i. Y.M. Raja Azman bin Raja Haji Petra. b. 1977.
                • ii. Y.M. Raja Shahril bin Raja Haji Petra. b. 1978. m. at Manchester, 2001, …
                • iii. Y.M. Raja Azmir bin Raja Haji Petra. b. 1983.
                • i. Y.M. Raja Suraya binti Raja Haji Petra. b. 1974. m. and has issue, one child.
                • ii. Y.M. Raja Sara binti Raja Haji Petra. b. 1988, educ. SKM Bukit Rahman Putra, Sungai Buloh.
              • b. Y.M. Raja Haji Idris bin Raja Kamar ud-din. b. 26th July 1953. Exec. Dir. TDM Holdings Bhd. Rcvd: SMT (21.7.2003). m. a daughter of the Deputy Chief of the Special Branch.
              • a. Y.M. Raja Norma binti Raja Kamar ud-din. b. 8th January 1957, educ. Methodist Girl's Sch. m. …
            • Raja Kamar ud-din also adopted another daughter:
              • b. Che Puan Norita binti Raja Kamar ud-din. m. Y.M. Tengku Iskander bin Tengku Yakub Shah, only son of Y.A.M. Tengku Yakub Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Ala ud-din Sulaiman Shah, by his wife,  Che Puan Zaleha binti 'Abdu'llah - see below.  Copyright© Christopher Buyers
            • 4. Y.M. Raja Dato' Haji Redzwa bin Raja Tun Uda. b. 4th July 1926 (s/o Tengku Badariah), educ. Malay Coll, Kuala Kangsar. MD Malaysian Can Company Bhd and Metal Box Bhd 1981-1985, Orang Besar of Sepang and MBr. Sepang Dist. Cncl. since 1996, Mbr. Selangor Royal Court Cncl. since 1981. Presdt. Assoc. of Mgmt. Staff. Dir. Yeo Hiap Seng Malaysia Bhd; Dir. Yeo Hiap Seng Malaysia Sdn Bhd since 1985. m. (first) Y.M. Raja Azian binti Raja Bendahara Tengku Badar Shah, youngest daughter of Y.A.M. Tengku Badar Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Ala ud-din Sulaiman Shah, Raja Bendahara, sometime Vice-Presdt. Council of State, by his second wife, Y.M. Raja Nur binti Raja Juma'at. m. (second) Che' Saleha binti Haji Ayub (b. 1933). m. (third) Y.M. Sharifa Saiha binti Syed Ali (b. 5th May 1934). He d. 28th January 2004 (bur. Royal Mausoleum, Klang), having had issue, five sons and five daughters:
              •  a. Y.M. Raja Badar ud-din bin Raja Dato' Haji Redzwa. b. 1st November 1948 (s/o Raja Azian).
              • b. Y.M. Raja Ahmad Tajuddin bin Raja Dato' Haji Redzwa. b. 24th May 1953 (s/o Che Saleha).
              • c. Y.M. Raja Muzaffar bin Raja Dato' Haji Redzwa. b. 29th April 1957 (s/o Che Saleha).
              • d. Y.M. Raja Muhammad Taufik bin Raja Dato' Haji Redzwa. b. 22nd February 1966 (s/o Sharifa Saiha).
              • e. Y.M. Raja Ahmad Farouk bin Raja Dato' Haji Redzwa. b. 31st October 1968 (s/o Sharifa Saiha).
              • a. Y.M. Raja Aizan binti Raja Dato' Haji Redzwa. b. 12th November 1949 (d/o Raja Azian).
              • b. Y.M. Raja Rokiah binti Raja Dato' Haji Redzwa. b. 12th March 1952 (d/o Raja Azian).
              • c. Y.M. Raja Puteh Badariah binti Raja Dato' Haji Redzwa. b. 21st October 1954 (d/o Che Saleha).
              • d. Y.M. Raja Sharizat binti Raja Dato' Haji Redzwa. b. 20th October 1957 (d/o Sharifa Saiha).
              • e. Y.M. Raja Mastura binti Raja Dato' Haji Redzwa. b. 17th January 1961 (d/o Sharifa Saiha).
            • 5. Y.M. Raja Mahmud bin Raja Sir Uda. b. 1932 (s/o Tengku Badariah), educ. Malay Coll, Kuala Kangsar. He d. unm. 1973.
            • 6. Y.M. Raja Muhammad Afif ud-din bin Raja Tun Uda (s/o Tengku Nur Sa'ada). He d. 1959.
            • 7. Y.M. Raja Zulkifli [Ahmad Shakir] bin Raja Tun Uda. b. at Kuala Kangsar, 1st July 1942 (s/o Tengku Nur Sa'ada), educ. Clifford Sch., and Malay Coll., KK, Univ. of London (BSc 1967), and Admin. Staff Coll., Henley-on-Thames (MA). Engineer 1967-1969, with Steen Schested & Partners 1969-1970 (Snr. Engr. 1971-1972, Partner 1972-1973), Design Engr. Shawaningan Engineering Co Ltd 1970-1971, Dir. Sepakat Setia Perunding Sdn. Bhd. 1973-1979, Man Dir. Tun Uda Sdn. Bhd. 1979. m. Y.M. Raja Bismayazan binti Raja Arif Shah, youngest daughter of Y.M. Raja Dato' Sri Arif Shah bin Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid, of Perak, by his second wife, Y.A.M. Tengku Safia binti al-Marhum Sultan Ala' ud-din Sulaiman Shah, third daughter of Colonel H.H. Sultan Ala' ud-din Sulaiman Shah ibni al-Marhum Yang di-Pertuan Muda Musa, Sultan of Selangor, GCMG, KCVO. He had issue, two sons and one daughter:
              • a. Y.M. Raja Aris Fathu'llah bin Zulkifli. b. 5th November 1970.
              • b. Y.M. Raja Arif Shah bin Raja Zulkifli. b. 16th December 1979.
              • a. Y.M. Raja Zulaikha binti Raja Zulkifli. b. 9th June 1976.
            • 8. Y.M. Raja Sulaiman bin Raja Tun Uda (s/o Tengku Nur Sa'ada). He d. 1944.
            • 9. Y.M. Raja 'Abdu'l Haq bin Raja Tun Uda (s/o Tengku Nur Sa'ada). He d. 1946.
            • 10. Y.A.D. Raja Datuk Arshad bin Raja Tun Uda Alhaj, Engku Setia Lela Bestari (cre 28th February 2005). b. 2nd December 1946 (s/o Tengku Nur Sa'ada), educ. Harvard Business Sch. Accountant with Price Waterhouse 1972-1978, Partner 1978-1986, Snr. Partner 1986-1990, Exec. Chair 1990-1998, Exec. Chair. & Snr. Partner PricewaterhouseCoopers Malaysia since 1998, Chair. Danamodal Nasional Bhd. since 1998, Malaysian Accounting Standards Brd. (MASB) 2000-2003, and Raja Muda Selangor Fndn., and Adjunct Professor Univ. Utara Malaysia. FCA, Mbr. Malaysian Inst. of Accountants (MIA), Malaysian Assoc. of Certified Public Accountants (Presdt. 1991-1994), Malaysian Securities Cmsn. 1993-1998, National Art Gallery of Malaysia Brd. of Trustees, the Cncl. of the Royal Court of Selangor, Advisory Cncl. to the Sultan of Selangor, etc. m. Y.M. Tunku Eusnie binti Tunku Muhammad Yusuf, fourth daughter of Commander Y.M. Tunku Muhammad Yusuf bin Tunku Nambul, of Jelebu, by his wife, Y.M. Tengku Aisha binti Tengku Yakub. He has issue, one son and three daughters: 
              • a. Y.M. Raja Amir Uda bin Raja Arshad. b. 1987. 
              • a. Y.M. Raja Johanna Adrina binti Raja Arshad. b. 1977.
              • b. Y.M. Raja Jastina Adlina binti Raja Arshad. b. 1981.
              • c. Y.M. Raja Jesrina Azlina binti Raja Arshad. b. 1983.
  • 11. Y.M. Raja Sharif bin Raja Tun Uda. b. 6th September 1948 (s/o Tengku Nur Sa'ada). m. (first) Y.M. Tunku Roziah binti Tunku Muhammad Yusuf, third daughter of Commander Y.M. Tunku Muhammad Yusuf bin Tunku Nambul, of Jelebu, by his wife, Y.M. Tengku Aisha binti Tengku Yakub. m. (second) Che Norrita binti 'Abdu'llah. He had issue, two sons and one daughter by his first wife, and two sons and one daughter by his second wife:
              • a. Y.M. Raja Riz Zairi bin Raja Sharif. b. 26th December 1972 (s/o Tunku Roziah).
              • b. Y.M. Raja Riz Zainil Uda bin Raja Sharif. b. 14th September 1983 (s/o Tunku Roziah).
              • c. Y.M. Raja Uda Elfidz bin Raja Sharif. b. 1985 (s/o Che Norrita).
              • d. Y.M. Raja Ezman Fadriz bin Raja Sharif. b. 1988 (s/o Che Norrita).
              • a. Y.M. Raja Zaireen Shafinaz binti Raja Sharif. b. 28th July 1976 (d/o Tunku Roziah). m. 23rd July 2004, Johan Tan bin Ghazali.
              • b. Y.M. Raja Ishuwalisa Putri binti Raja Sharif. b. 1990 (d/o Che Norrita).
            • 1. Y.M. Raja Zaimah binti Raja Tun Uda (d/o Raja Maslama). m. Y.M. Raja Sulaiman bin Raja Daud. She had issue, four sons and four daughters.  C
            • 2. Y.M. Dato' Raja Fuziah binti Raja Tun Uda. b. 21st May 1940 (d/o Tengku Nur Sa'ada), educ. Bedford Coll., London (BSc 1967). Assist. Dir. of Training Cncl. of Trust for the Dvpt. of Indigenous People (MARA) 1967-1978, Dir-Gen. Malaysian Handicraft Dvpt.Corp. (MHDC) 1979-1986, Assist. Dir-Gen. IRCICA 1986-1989, Presdt. Crafts Cncl. of Malaysia 1992-1997, and the ASEAN Handicrafts & Promotion Dvpt. Assoc. (AHPADA) 1992-1994. Vice-Presdt. World Crafts Cncl.  (WCC) for Asia 1982-1984, and the Pan Pacific & South East Asia Women's Assoc. of Malaysia (PPSEAWA) 1990-1995. Dep. Chair. (Women's Affairs) National Cncl. for the Integration of Women in Dvpt. (NACIWID) 1984-1986. Hon. Mbr. WCC since 1984. Mbr. Task Force on the Review of the Role of Public Enterprises 1991, jury of the National Arts Award 1993-1995, National Advisory Cncl on Culture 1994, and Intnl. Advisory Cttee. of the Intnl. Centre for Craft Promotion since 1996. Rcvd: DSIS (11.12.2005), KMN (1983). m. Encik' Adlan bin Haji Muhammad Daud (b. 26th September 1939). She had issue, one son and one daughter.
            • 3. Y.M. Raja Zain un-Nur binti Raja Tun Uda (d/o Tengku Nur Sa'ada). She d. 1944.
          • (i) Y.M. Raja Mariam binti Raja Muhammad.
          • (2) Y.M. Raja Alang Kasim bin Raja 'Umar (s/o Aisha).
          • (3) Y.M. Raja Ngah 'Ali bin Raja 'Umar (s/o Mila). m. Y.M. Raja Khadija binti Raja Mahmud, daughter of Y.M. Raja Mahmud bin Raja 'Abdu'llah.
          • (4) Y.M. Raja Sulaiman bin Raja 'Umar.
          • (5) Y.M. Raja Yunus bin Raja 'Umar.
          • (6) Y.M. Raja Salim [Lim] bin Raja 'Umar.
          • (1) Y.M. Raja Busu Safia binti Raja 'Umar (d/o Mila). m. Y.M. Raja Ja'afar bin Raja Mahmud, son of Y.M. Raja Mahmud bin Raja 'Abdu'llah.
          • (2) Y.M. Raja Hutiah binti Raja 'Umar. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
          • (3) Y.M. Raja Bariah binti Raja 'Umar.
          • i) Y.M. Raja Salama binti Raja Hassan (d/o Che' Sawi).
  • b) Y.M. Raja 'Abdu'l Rahman [Ahman] bin Raja Muda Nala, Daeng Alampaki. He occupied Simpang, in Negri Sembilan, but was expelled from there by the Dutch following an appeal by the Dato Klana of Sungai Ujong. m. Y.A.M. Tunku Puteh binti al-Marhum Raja Hitam (d. after 21st October 1832), daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Tuanku Raja Hitam, Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Negri Sembilan, by his third wife, Y.M. Tunku Sulung binti Raja Adil. He d. in Aceh, before 1804, having had issue, a son:
    • i) Raja 'Ali bin Daeng Alampaki, who succeeded as H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ali ibni al-Marhum Ahmad Shah, Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Rembau and Tampin - see Malaysia (Negri Sembilan-Tampin).
  • a) Y.M. Raja Asiah binti Raja Muda Nala (s/o Raja Salama).

  • 1) Y.A.M. Raja Penuh binti al-Marhum Sultan Saleh ud-din, Tengku Besar (d/o the Riau princess). m. (first) at Selangor, April 1767 (div. 1769) H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'llah al-Mukarram Shah ibni al- Sultan Muhammad Jiwa Zain al-Azlan Mu'azzam Shah, Sultan of Kedah (b. ca. 1750; d. 1st September 1797), eldest son of H.H. Sultan Muhammad Jiwa Zain al-Azlan Mu'azzam Shah II  ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Abdu'llah al-Mu'azzam Shah, Sultan of Kedah, by his second wife, Tengku Putri, by whom she had no issue - see Malaysia (Kedah). m. (second) at Selangor, 1769 (div. ca. 1780), H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Ali I 'Ala ud-din Shah bin Raja Kambodja, Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Riau (b. at Teluk Pedada off the Perak coast, 1770; d. on Pulau Bayan, 1805), third son of Y.A.M. Daeng Kemboja bin Daeng Parani, Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Riau, by his wife, Raja Fatima binti al-Marhum Sultan 'Ala ud-din Shah, daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ala ud-din Shah bin Daeng Rilaga, Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Riau - see Indonesia (Riau). m. (third) at Selangor, July 1780, Arung Temujung [To' Mojong], a cousin of La To' Masonge, of Bone, by whom she had issue, a daughter - see Indonesia (Bone).
  • 2) Y.A.M. Raja Perak binti al-Marhum Sultan Saleh ud-din (d/o a commoner). m. Y.M. Tuan Sayyid Muhammad Jambul Bangsa al-Yahya. She had issue, one daughter.
  • 3) Y.A.M. Raja Sharifa binti al-Marhum Sultan Saleh ud-din (d/o a commoner). m. (first) 1772, a prince of Perak (d.s.p.), grandson of H.H. Maulana Paduka Sri Sultan Mahmud Shah Muda ibni al-Marhum Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad Shah Amanu'llah, Sultan of Perak. m. (second) (div.) a Pangeran of Banjarmarsin.
  • ristopher 1826 H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Ibrahim Shah ibni Sultan Saleh ud-din, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Selangor. b. ca. 1736, eldest son of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Saleh ud-din Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Chelak, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Selangor, by his first wife, the Engku Puan, a younger daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah bin Daeng Rilaga, Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Riau, educ. privately. Succeeded on the death of his father, 1778. Defeated by a combined force of Dutch and Siak forces at Bukit Melawati, Kuala Selangor, 2nd August 1784. Retreated with his family and ministers to Hulu Selangor, then to Bernam, and finally to Pahang. Returned with a force of 2,000 men, attacked and defeated the Dutch at Permatang on 28th July 1785, and capturing Fort Altingsburg and Kuala Selangor. Restored by treaty, 29th July 1786. m. (first) Y.A.M. Tunku Chik [Chu Che] [Ku Chik] a princess of Kedah, who had issue nineteen children. m. (second) (div. 1776) Y.M. Raja Andak binti Daing Kamboja, daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Daing Kamboja bin Opu Daing Parani, Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Riau, by his wife Y.M. Raja Fatima binti al-Marhum Sultan 'Ala ud-din Shah, Tun Encik Ayu, daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ala ud-din Shah bin Daing Rilaga, Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Riau. m. (third) 177x, a daughter of the Tengku Mangku Putera, of Kedah. m. (fourth) Cik Long Halijah binti Dato' Husain, Cik Puan Besar, elder daughter of Y.Bhg. Daeng Loklok Husain bin Pakjong, Dato' Sri Maharaja Lela of Selangor, by his wife, Y.M. Raja Sin binti Arung Pasarai, younger daughter of Arung Pasarai, Yam Tuan of Selangor. m. (fifth) Encik Salama, daughter of a Bugis aristocrat. m. (sixth) Encik Shaima. m. (seventh) at Pahang, 1784, Y.M. Tun Salama binti Tun 'Abdu'l Majid, youngest daughter of Y.M. Tun 'Abdu'l Majid bin Temenggong Sri Maharaja Tun Mutahir, Bendahara Paduka Raja, of Johor and Pahang, by his wife, Y.M. Tun Inah [Ngah] binti Tun Husain, daughter of Y.M. Tun Husain ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Abdu'l Jalil Ri'ayat Shah, Dato' Bendahara Paduka Raja, sometime Governor of Trengganu. m. (eighth) at Rembau, 1784, … m. (ninth) at Lingga, 1796, H.H. Raja Tengah binti Raja Haji, Tengku Ampuan (b. before 30th June 1764; d. at Penyengat Island, after April 1827), daughter of H.H. Raja Haji bin Raja Chelak, Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Riau, by his wife, H.H. Raja Halima binti al-Marhum Sultan Saleh ud-din Karamat Shah, Ungku Puan Bongsu, daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Hassan Saleh ud-din Karamat Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muzafar Shah, Sultan of Indragiri. He d. at Kuala Selangor, 27th October 1826 (bur. there at the Royal Cemetery, Bukit Melawati), having had issue, eleven sons and eight daughters:
  • 1) Y.A.M. Raja Ismail ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim (s/o Tunku Chik). He d. before 1815.
  • 2) Y.A.M. Raja Abu Said ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim, Yang di-Pertuan Muda (s/o Raja Andak). He d. young.
  • 3) H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of Selangor (s/o Encik Halija) - see below.
  • 4) Y.A.M. Raja 'Abdu'llah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim, Tengku Panglima Besar, of Kuala Langat (s/o Encik Shaima), educ. privately. Granted Kuala Langat as his hereditary fief. m. (first) Y.A.M. Raja Khadija [Gatiya] binti al-Marhum Sultan Ja'afar 'Ala ud-din Shah (m. second, Raja Umar of Indragiri), second daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Ja'afar Ala ud-din Shah bin Raja Haji, Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Riau, by his second wife, Raja Saleha binti al-Marhum Sultan 'Ali 'Ala ud-din Shah, Tengku Lebar, daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ali 'Ala ud-din Shah bin Raja Kambodja, Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Riau. m. (second) Cik Lipah. He d. 1826, having had issue, six sons and seven daughters:
    • a) H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Sir 'Abdu'l Samad Shah ibni al-Marhum Tengku 'Abdu'llah, Sultan of Selangor (s/o Cik Lipah) - see below.
    • b) Y.M. Raja 'Ali Afshar ibni al-Marhum Tengku 'Abdu'llah.
    • c) Y.M. Raja Muhammad ibni al-Marhum Tengku 'Abdu'llah. 
    • d) Y.M. Raja Mahmud ibni al-Marhum Tengku 'Abdu'llah. He had issue, one son and one daughter:
      • i) Y.M. Raja Ja'afar bin Raja Mahmud. m. Y.M. Raja Busu Safia binti Raja 'Umar, daughter of Y.M. Raja 'Umar bin Raja Hassan, by his third wife, Cik Mila.
      • ii) Y.M. Raja Kadija binti Raja Mahmud. m. Y.M. Raja Ngah 'Ali bin Raja 'Umar, son of Y.M. Raja 'Umar bin Raja Hassan, by his third wife, Cik Mila - see above.
    • e) Y.M. Raja Ngah 'Abdu'l Rahman ibni al-Marhum Tengku 'Abdu'llah.
    • f) Y.M. Raja Haji Ibrahim ibni al-Marhum Tengku 'Abdu'llah [Raja Basuk] (s/o Raja Khadija). m. Y.M. Raja Hawa binti Raja Yusuf, daughter of his paternal uncle, Y.A.M. Raja Yusuf ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim, by his wife, Y.A.M. Tunku Andak of Kedah. He had issue, a son:
      • i) Y.M. Raja Adnan bin Raja Basuk, Engku Sri Paduka Panglima Dalam (cre. 6th June 1928). m. Y.A.M. Tengku Putri Arfa binti al-Marhum Sultan 'Ala ud-din Sulaiman Shah (b. at Istana Mahkota Puri, Klang, 24th January 1898; d. 5th August 1961), fifth daughter of Colonel H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Sir 'Ala ud-din Sulaiman Shah ibni al-Marhum Yang di-Pertuan Muda Musa, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Selangor Dar ul-Ihsan, GCMG, KCVO, by his first wife, H.H. Tengku Maharum binti Tengku Zia ud-din, Tengku Ampuan Paduka Sri Negara, daughter of Y.A.M. Tengku Zia ud-din ibni al-Marhum Sultan Zain al-Rashid al-Mu'azzam Shah [Tunku Kudin] of Kedah, sometime Viceroy of Selangor. He had issue, two children:
        • (1) Y.M. Raja Datuk 'Abdu'l Aziz bin Raja Adnan. Dir-Gen Atomic Energy Licensing Brd. Rcvd: DSIS (11.12.2006).
      • ii) Y.M. Raja Tipah binti Raja Haji Ibrahim (d/o Raja Hawa).  Copyright© Christopher Buyers
    • a) Y.M. Raja Basuk binti al-Marhum Tengku 'Abdu'llah.
    • b) Y.M. Raja Sauda binti al-Marhum Tengku 'Abdu'llah.
    • c) Y.M. Raja Lebar [Anjang] binti al-Marhum Tengku 'Abdu'llah. m. Y.M. Raja Barkat bin Raja Husain, Tengku Panglima Raja, eldest son of Y.A.M. Raja Husain ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim, Tengku Panglima Raja. She had issue, two sons and one daughter - see below.
    • d) Y.M. Raja Andak binti al-Marhum Tengku 'Abdu'llah. m. Y.M. Sayyid Muhammad. She had issue, two sons and one daughter.
    • e) Y.M. Raja Safia binti al-Marhum Tengku 'Abdu'llah. m. Y.M. Raja Yunus bin Raja Yusuf, of Bernam, son of her paternal uncle, Y.A.M. Raja Yusuf ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim, by his wife, Y.A.M. Tunku Andak, of Kedah. She had issue, four sons - see below.
    • f) Y.M. Raja Kechil binti al-Marhum Tengku 'Abdu'llah.
    • g) Y.M. Raja Hamida binti al-Marhum Tengku 'Abdu'llah.

    • 5) Y.A.M. Raja Ahmad ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim. m. a daughter of Encik Malik, Panglima Perang of Selangor.
    • 6) Y.A.M. Raja Yusoh ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim (s/o a junior wife).
    • 7) Y.A.M. Raja Hassan ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim (s/o a junior wife). He had issue, a son:
      • a) Y.M. Raja Said bin Raja Hassan. m. Y.M. Raja Siti binti Raja Haji, daughter of Y.M. Raja Haji bin Raja Hassan, by his wife, Putri Ngah binti Megat Ranjuna.
    • 8) Y.A.M. Raja Husain ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim, Tengku Panglima Raja (s/o Raja Tengah). He had issue, two sons and one daughter:
      • a) Y.M. Raja Idris bin Raja Husain. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
      • b) Y.M. Raja Barkat [Saman] bin Raja Husain [Berkat Rhio], Tengku Panglima Raja. Sometime Panglima Perang to Sultan Sir 'Abdu'l Samad, Penghulu of Kanchong 1875-1888, MSC 1877-1878. m. Y.M. Raja Lebar [Anjang] binti Raja 'Abdu'llah, daughter of his paternal uncle, Y.A.M. Raja 'Abdu'llah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim, Tengku Panglima Besar. He d. at Kanchong, January 1888, having had issue, two sons and three (or four) daughters:
      •  i) Y.M. Raja Mahmud bin Raja Barkat, Tengku Panglima Besar (cre. 1888). Declared an outlaw for supporting Raja Mahadi, July 1871. Exiled to Singapore 1874-1875, Penghulu of Sepang 1875-1884, Kuala Selangor 1884-1890, MSC 1888-1890, 1916-1919. Sent into exile 1890-1900. m. (first) (sep.) a commoner. m. (second) in Perak, before April 1878, … m. (third) a lady from Klang. m. (fourth) at Kuala Lumpur, 1881, …He d. 1919, having had issue, four children by his first wife.
      • ii) Y.M. Raja 'Abdu'l Manan bin Raja Barkat.
      • i) Y.M. Raja Embut Long binti Raja Barkat. m. Y.M. Raja Muhammad bin Raja 'Usman, son of Y.M. Raja 'Usman [Othman] bin Raja 'Umar, by his wife, Y.M. Raja Ulik binti Raja Yusuf. She had issue, two sons and one daughter - see above.
      • ii) Y.M. Raja Buntal Raimah binti Raja Barkat [Encik' Uti']. m. (div. before 3rd November 1874), H.H. Raja Musa ibni al-Marhum Sultan Sir 'Abdu'l Samad Shah, Yang di-Pertuan Muda (b. 1844; d. at Langkat, 8th July 1884), eldest son of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Sir 'Abdu'l Samad Shah ibni al-Marhum Tengku 'Abdu'llah, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Selangor Dar ul-Ihsan, KCMG, by his wife, Raja 'Atfah binti al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah, daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of Selangor - see below.
      • iii) Y.M. Raja Muntil binti Raja Barkat. m. (div. before 3rd November 1874), Tengku Sulaiman?
      • iv) Y.M. Raja Alipa binti Raja Barkat [Tunku Alipa].
        • a) Y.M. Raja Arifa binti Raja Husain [Tunku Alipa]. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
      • 9) Y.A.M. Raja Haji ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim (s/o Encik Salama). He had issue:
        • a) Y.M. Raja Khalifa binti Raja Haji. m. after 1838, as his third wife, H.H. Raja Haji 'Abdu'llah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ja'afar 'Ala ud-din Shah, Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Riau (d. at Malacca, 1858), third son of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Ja'afar 'Ala ud-din Shah bin Raja Haji, Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Riau, by his second wife, Y.A.M. Raja Saleha binti al-Marhum Sultan 'Ali 'Ala ud-din Shah, Tengku Lebar, daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ali 'Ala ud-din Shah bin Raja Kambodja, Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Riau - see Indonesia (Riau).
        • b) Y.M. Raja Khalija binti Raja Haji. m. as his third wife, Y.M. Raja 'Abdu'llah bin Raja Ja'afar, Orang Besar Klang (d. at sea between Singapore and Malacca, 1869, bur. Ketapang), third son of Y.A.M. Raja Ja'afar ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Ali 'Ala ud-din Shah, of Lukut, by a commoner. She had issue, one son - see Indonesia (Riau).
      • 10) Y.A.M. Raja 'Abdu'l Rahman ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim (s/o Raja Andak). He had issue, a son:
        • a) Y.M. Raja 'Isa bin Raja 'Abdu'l Rahman. m. Y.A.M. Raja Saleha binti al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah, daughter of his paternal uncle, H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of Selangor. He had issue, three sons and one daughter:
          • i) Y.M. Raja Kasim bin Raja 'Isa. m. Cik Puan Saleha binti Tok Amar. He had issue, two sons and three daughters:
            • (1) Y.M. Raja Sulaiman bin Raja Kasim.
            • (2) Y.M. Raja Mamat bin Raja Kasim. m. Y.M. Raja Wuk binti Raja Hitam, daughter of Y.M. Raja Hitam bin Raja Yunus, by his wife, Y.M. Raja Halima binti Raja Saleh, daughter of Y.A.M. Raja Saleh ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim.
            • (3) Y.M. Raja Lijah binti Raja Kasim. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
            • (4) Y.M. Raja Sa'adah binti Raja Kasim.
            • (5) Y.M. Raja Khadija binti Raja Kasim. 
            •  i) Y.M. Raja Daud bin Raja 'Isa. m. Cik Puan Jarah binti Che' Aman, daughter of Encik' Aman, Dato' Panglima Perang, of Selangor. He had issue, a son:
              • (1) Y.M. Raja 'Abdu'l Majid bin Raja Daud.
            • iii) Y.M. Raja Ahbim bin Raja 'Isa. m. (first) Y.M. Raja Sharifa binti Raja 'Ali. m. (second) Y.M. Raja Kechik binti Raja 'Ali. He had issue, one son and one daughter by his first wife:
              • (1) Y.M. Raja 'Abdu'l Majid bin Raja Ahbim (s/o Sharifa).
              • (2) Y.M. Raja Ngah binti Raja Ahbim (s/o Sharifa).
            • i) Y.M. Raja Lebar bint Raja 'Isa. m. Y.M. Raja Muhammad Ariff bin Raja Yunus, son of Y.M. Raja Yunus bin Raja Yusuf, of Bernam, by his wife, Y.M. Raja Safia binti al-Marhum Tengku 'Abdu'llah, daughter of Y.A.M. Raja 'Abdu'llah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim, Tengku Panglima Besar. She had issue, one son - see above.

            • 11) Y.A.M. Raja Yusuf ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim (s/o Raja Andak). m. Y.A.M. Tunku Raja Andak of Kedah. He had issue, one son and one daughter:
              • a) Y.M. Raja Yunus bin Raja Yusuf, of Bernam. m. (first) Y.M. Raja Safiah binti Raja 'Abdu'llah, daughter of his paternal uncle, Y.A.M. Raja 'Abdu'llah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim, Tengku Panglima Besar. m. (second) Y.M. Tengku Ngah (d. after 1879). He had issue, five sons:
                • i) Y.M. Raja Hitam bin Raja Yunus [Itam] (s/o Raja Safiah), educ. privately. m. Y.M. Raja Halima binti Raja Salleh, daughter of Y.A.M. Raja Saleh ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim. He had issue, four sons and three daughters:
                  • (1) Y.M. Raja Ahmad [Rahmat] bin Raja Hitam.
                  • (2) Y.M. Raja Muhammad bin Raja Hitam.
                  • (3) Y.M. Raja Sulaiman bin Raja Hitam. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
                  • (4) Y.M. Raja Cik Rustam bin Raja Hitam [Raja Kechil]. m. Y.M. Raja Latifa binti Raja 'Ali.
                  • (1) Y.M. Raja Wuk binti Raja Hitam. m. Y.M. Raja Mamat bin Raja Kasim, younger son of Y.M. Raja Kasim bin Raja 'Isa, by his wife, Cik Puan Saleha binti Tok Amar.
                  • (2) Y.M. Raja Fatima binti Raja Hitam.
                  • (3) Y.M. Raja Rabia [Rafia] binti Raja Hitam.
                • ii) Y.M. Raja Muhammad Ariff bin Raja Yunus [Mat Ariff]. m. Y.M. Raja Lebar binti Raja 'Isa, daughter of Y.M. Raja 'Isa bin Raja 'Abdu'l Rahman, by his wife, Y.A.M. Raja Saleha binti al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah, daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of Selangor. He had issue, two sons and five daughters:
                  • (1) Y.M. Raja Muhammad Taib bin Raja Muhammad Ariff.
                  • (2) Y.M. Raja Yusuf bin Raja Muhammad Ariff.
                  • (1) Y.M. Raja Fatima binti Raja Muhammad Ariff.
                  • (2) Y.M. Raja Yah binti Raja Muhammad Ariff.
                  • (3) Y.M. Raja Andak binti Raja Muhammad Ariff.
                  • (4) Y.M. Raja Aisha binti Raja Muhammad Ariff.
                  • (5) Y.M. Raja Shikin binti Raja Muhammad Ariff
  • iii) Y.M. Raja Endut bin Raja Yunus [Indut]. m. (first) Y.M. Raja Busu binti Raja 'Ali. m. (second) Y.M. Raja Ngah. He had issue, three sons and one daughter:
    • (1) Y.M. Raja Husain bin Raja Indut. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
    • (2) Y.M. Raja Muhammad Tahir bin Raja Indut.
    • (3) Y.M. Raja Muhammad Yasin bin Raja Indut.
    • (1) Y.M. Raja Sharifa binti Raja Indut.
  • iv) Y.M. Raja Nur ud-din bin Raja Yunus [Nordin]. m. Y.M. Raja Kechik binti Tunku Salim, daughter of Y.M. Tunku Salim bin Tunku Habib, from Kedah, a brother of Y.M. Tunku Raja Andak.
  • v) Y.M. Raja Zainal Abidin bin Raja Yunus [Bidin] (s/o Tengku Ngah). m. Y.M. Raja Lijah binti Raja Dollah, younger daughter of Y.M. Raja Dollah bin Raja Abbas, by his wife, Y.M. Raja Rabia binti Raja Sulaiman, daughter of his paternal uncle, Y.A.M. Raja Sulaiman ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah, of Klang.

    • b) Y.M. Raja Hawa binti Raja Yusuf. m. Y.M. Raja Haji Ibrahim bin Raja 'Abdu'llah, fifth son of her paternal uncle, Y.A.M. Raja 'Abdu'llah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim, Tengku Panglima Besar, by his first wife, Y.A.M. Raja Khadija [Gatiya] binti al-Marhum Sultan Ja'afar 'Ala ud-din Shah, second daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Ja'afar Ala ud-din Shah bin Raja Haji, Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Riau. She had issue, one daughter - see above.
  • 12) Y.A.M. Raja Abbas ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim.
  • 13) Y.A.M. Raja Saleh ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim. b. after 1797 (s/o Tengku Tengah). He had issue, ten sons and four daughters:
    • a) Y.M. Raja Muhammad Tahir bin Raja Saleh.
    • b) Y.M. Raja Abbas bin Raja Saleh.
    • c) Y.M. Raja Ammar bin Raja Saleh.
    • d) Y.M. Raja Ja'afar bin Raja Saleh.
    • e) Y.M. Raja 'Abdu'llah bin Raja Saleh. Copyright© Christopher Buyers
    • f) Y.M. Raja Sulaiman bin Raja Saleh.
    • g) Y.M. Raja Husain bin Raja Saleh.
    • h) Y.M. Raja Musa bin Raja Saleh.
    • i) Y.M. Raja Kechik bin Raja Saleh.
    • j) Y.M. Raja Abhim bin Raja Saleh.
    • a) Y.M. Raja Amina binti Raja Saleh.
    • b) Y.M. Raja Kiah binti Raja Saleh. m. Y.M. Raja 'Ali bin Tunku Salim, eldest son of Y.M. Tunku Salim bin Tunku Habib, from Kedah, a brother of Y.M. Tunku Raja Andak. She had issue, one son and two daughters - see Malaysia (Kedah).
    • c) Y.M. Raja Salamat binti Raja Saleh.
    • d) Y.M. Raja Halima binti Raja Saleh. m. Y.M. Raja Hitam bin Raja Yunus, son of Y.M. Raja Yunus bin Raja Yusuf, of Bernam, by his wife, Y.M. Raja Safiah binti Raja 'Abdu'llah, daughter of his paternal uncle, Y.A.M. Raja 'Abdu'llah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim, Tengku Panglima Besar. She had issue, four sons and two daughters - see above.1) Y.A.M. Raja 'Aisha [Siah] binti al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim.
    • 2) Y.A.M. Raja Sani [Sitti] binti al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim.
    • 3) Y.A.M. Raja Amina [Inah] binti al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim.
    • 4) Y.A.M. Raja Fatima binti al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim (d/o Raja Andak). Copyright© Christopher Buyers
    • 5) Y.A.M. Raja Mariam binti al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim. m. Radin Zainal Abidin [Lebai Kahar]. She had issue, three sons and one daughter. 
    • 6) Y.A.M. Raja Maimuna binti al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim.
    • 7) Y.A.M. Raja Khadija binti al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim.
    • 8) Y.A.M. Raja Halija binti al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim.
    • 9) Y.A.M. Raja Hamida binti al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim. m. Sayyid …She had issue, four sons and three daughters. 
    • 1857 H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Muhammad Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of Selangor. b. 1772, third son of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Ibrahim Shah ibni Sultan Saleh ud-din, Sultan of Selangor, by his fourth wife, Encik Halijah binti Dato' Husain, Cik Puan Besar, educ. privately. Appointed as Heir Apparent and deputy ruler with the title of Yang di-Pertuan Muda by his father, and succeeded on his death, 27th October 1826. m. (first) H.H. Raja Basik binti Arung To' Mojong, Tengku Ampuan, daughter of Arung Temujung [To' Mojong], a Bugis nobleman, by his wife, Y.A.M. Raja Puneh binti al-Marhum Sultan Saleh al-din, eldest daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Saleh al-din Shah ibni al-Marhum Raja Chelak, Sultan of Selangor. m. (second) after April 1827, Y.A.M. Raja Asiah [Sia] binti Sultan 'Ali 'Ala ud-din Shah, sixth daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ali 'Ala ud-din Shah bin Raja Kambodja [Raja Ali I], Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Riau. m. (third) …He d. at the Istana, Kuala Selangor, 6th January 1857 (bur. there at the Royal Cemetery, Bukit Melawati), having had issue, five sons and six daughters:
    • 1) Y.A.M. Raja Sulaiman ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah, Raja Tua, of Klang (s/o Raja Asiah), educ. privately. Granted Klang as his hereditary fief. m. (first) …m. (second) Che' Raisa binti Uda Ralik. He d.v.p. 1853, having had issue, three sons and two daughters:
      • a) Y.M. Raja Mahadi bin Raja Sulaiman, Engku Sri Paduka Shahbandar. Deprived of Klang at the death of his father, in favour of Raja 'Abdu'llah of Riau. Dispossessed him and took control of Klang in 1867. Went into exile in Perak 1873, but surrendered to the colonial authorities in 1874. Lived under surveillance at Johore 1874-1875, but was imprisoned for plotting a return to Selangor in October 1875. m. after November 1874, to a daughter of of a Nobleman from Chonburi Province of Thailand (Pattaya) Y.A.M. Raja Alfa binti al-Marhum Sultan Sir 'Abdu'l Samad Shah, daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Sir 'Abdu'l Samad Shah ibni al-Marhum Tengku 'Abdu'llah, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Selangor Dar ul-Ihsan, KCMG. He d. from tuberculosis, at Singapore, 10th January 1882. His actual year of death was unclear but sometimes after WW1, Having issued three sons and one daughter.
        • Y.M. Raja Ishak bin Raja Mahadi
        • Y.M. Raja Hussain bin Raja Mahadi
        • Y.M. Raja Samah bin Raja Mahadi
        • Y.M. Raja Ilong binti Raja Mahadi
      • b) Y.M. Raja Jamaji bin Raja Sulaiman.
      • c) Y.M. Raja Daud bin Raja Sulaiman. Penghulu of Sungai Raya and Ulu Langkat. m. (first) Y.M. Raja Latifa. m. (second) Che' TeheFatima. m. (third) 1871, Y.A.M. Raja Tipah binti al-Marhum Sultan Shahab ud-din Riayat Shah Saifu'llah, Sultan of Perak, former wife of H.H. Maulana Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'llah Muhammad Shah Duran Sabatang ibni al-Marhum Raja Kechil Bongsu 'Abdu'l Rahman, Sultan of Perak, nad daughter of H.H. Maulana Paduka Sri Sultan Shahab ud-din Riayat Shah Saifu'llah ibni al-Marhum Raja Inu Muhammad Saleh, Sultan of Perak. He had issue, a daughter by his first wife:
        • i) Y.M. Raja Zainab binti Raja Daud (d/o Teh Fatimah).
      • a) Y.M. Raja Jamia binti Raja Sulaiman (d/o Raisa).
      • b) Y.M. Raja Rabeah binti Raja Sulaiman (d/o Raisa). m. (first) Y.M. Raja Dollah bin Raja Abbas, son of Y.A.M. Raja Abbas ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah, by his wife, Y.M. Raja Zabedah. m. (second) before November 1874, Y.A.M. Raja 'Abdu'l Kahar ibni al-Marhum Sultan Sir 'Abdu'l Samad Shah, son of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Sir Abdul Samad Shah ibni al-Marhum Tengku Abdullah, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Selangor Darul-Ehsan, KCMG - see below.
    • 2) Y.T.M. Raja Mahmud ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah, Raja Muda (cre. 1857). b. at the Istana, Kuala Selangor, 1844 (s/o Raja Basik), educ. privately. Heir Apparent with the title of Raja Muda 1855-1857. Penghulu of Berenang and Semenyih. He d. 1919, having had issue, six sons and one daughter:
        • a) Y.M. Raja Endut bin Raja Mahmud.
        • b) Y.M. Raja Kechil bin Raja Mahmud.
        • c) Y.M. Raja Long bin Raja Mahmud.
        • d) Y.M. Raja Ja'afar bin Raja Mahmud.
        • e) Y.M. Raja Putra bin Raja Mahmud.
        • f) Y.M. Raja 'Abdu'l Rahman bin Raja Mahmud. He had issue, two sons and one daughter:
          • i) Y.M. Raja Bardad bin Raja 'Abdu'l Rahman.
          • ii) Y.M. Raja Faris bin Raja 'Abdu'l Rahman.
          • i) Y.M. Raja Jama'ah binti Raja 'Abdu'l Rahman.
        • a) Y.M. Raja Putri binti Raja Mahmud. 
    • 3) Y.T.M. Raja Laut ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah, Raja Muda (s/o Raja Asiah). b. at the Istana, Kuala Selangor, 1850, educ. privately. MSC 1881-1903, Penghulu and Magistrate Kuala Lumpur, Mbr. Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Brd., Chair. Kampung Bahru Agricultural Settlement 1902. Appointed as Heir Apparent and invested with the title of Raja Muda 21st November 1899. Superceded as Heir Apparent 22nd October 1903, but retained the title of Raja Muda until his death. He d. at Kuala Lampur, 9th June 1913, having had issue, two sons and a daughter:
      • a) Y.M. Raja Alang bin Raja Muda Laut, educ. Victoria Institution, Kuala Lumpur.
      • b) Y.M. Raja …bin Raja Muda Laut, educ. Victoria Institution, Kuala Lumpur.
      • a) Y.M. Raja Ngah binti Raja Muda Laut. m. Y.M. Raja Ja'afar.
    • 4) Y.A.M. Raja Abbas ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah. m. Y.M. Raja Zabedah. He had issue, a son:
      • a) Y.M. Raja Dollah bin Raja Abbas. m. Y.M. Raja Rabia binti Raja Sulaiman, daughter of his paternal uncle, Y.A.M. Raja Sulaiman ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah, of Klang, by his second wife, Cik Raisa binti Uda Ralik. He had issue, two daughters:
        • i) Y.M. Raja Sekolah binti Raja Dollah.
        • ii) Y.M. Raja Lijah binti Raja Dollah. m. Y.M. Raja Zainal Abidin bin Raja Yunus, second son of Y.M. Raja Yunus bin Raja Yusuf, of Bernam, by his wife, Y.M. Raja Safiah binti Raja 'Abdu'llah, daughter of Y.A.M. Raja 'Abdu'llah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim, Tengku Panglima Besar - see above. 
        • 5) Y.A.M. Raja 'Abdu'l Jabar ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah.
        • 6) Y.A.M. Raja Ibrahim ibni al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah.
        • 1) Y.A.M. Raja Siti binti al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah. m. (first) Y.M. Raja Haji bin Raja Hassan, eldest son of Y.M. Raja Busu Hassan bin Raja Muda Nala, of Lukut, by his second wife, Cik Sawi. m. (second) …She had issue, three sons and one daughter by her first husband (see above), and a further son by her second husband:
          • a) Y.M. Raja Basik. He had issue, two sons and two daughters:
            • i) Y.M. Raja Mahmud bin Raja Basik. 
            • ii) Y.M. Raja Long bin Raja Basik.
            • i) Y.M. Raja Auyah binti Raja Basik.
            • ii) Y.M. Raja Mi binti Raja Basik.
        • 2) Y.A.M. Raja Saleha binti al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah. m. Y.M. Raja 'Isa bin Raja 'Abdu'l Rahman, son of Y.A.M. Raja 'Abdu'l Rahman ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim. She had issue, three sons and one daughter - see above.
        • 3) Y.A.M. Raja Lijah binti al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah (d/o Raja Basik). m. after April 1827, as his first wife, H.H. Raja Haji 'Abdu'llah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ja'afar 'Ala ud-din Shah, Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Riau (d. at Penyengat Island, 6th September 1858), third son of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Ja'afar 'Ala ud-din Shah bin Raja Haji, Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Riau, by his second wife, Y.A.M. Raja Saleha binti al-Marhum Sultan 'Ali 'Ala ud-din Shah, Tengku Lebar, daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ali Ala ud-din Shah bin Daeng Kambodja, Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Riau. She had issue - see Indonesia (Riau).
        • 4) Y.A.M. Raja Auyah binti al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah.
        • 5) Y.A.M. Raja Senai [Seng] binti al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah (s/o Raja Asiah). m. at Malacca, 1839, Y.M. Raja Juma'at bin Raja Ja'afar, Raja Tua (d. 1864), Wakil of Lukut, fourth son of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Ja'afar 'Ala ud-din Shah bin Raja Haji, Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Riau, by a commoner. She had issue, three sons - see Indonesia (Riau).
        • 6) H.H. Raja 'Atfah [Tipah] binti al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah, Tengku Ampuan (d/o Raja Asiah). m. (first) at the Istana, Kuala Selangor, 1844 (div. 1873), H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Sir 'Abdu'l Samad Shah ibni al-Marhum Tengku 'Abdu'llah, Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of the State of Selangor Dar ul-Ihsan, KCMG (b. 1804; d. at Istana Jugra, 6th February 1898), eldest son of Y.A.M. Raja 'Abdu'llah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ibrahim, Tengku Panglima Besar, by his second wife, Che' Lipah. m. (second) Y.M. Raja 'Abdu'l Rahman. She had issue, four sons and three daughters by her first husband, and one son by her second husband - see below.
        • 7) Y.A.M. Raja Perbu binti al-Marhum Sultan Muhammad Shah. 
  • d. Y.M. Raja Nurliza binti Raja Jalal ud-din. b. 5th December 1959. m. Muhammad Hong. She has issue, one son and one daughter. Copyright© Christopher Buyers